Saturday, April 30, 2011

miss my moment at SESERI~~

hye guys!!lame x update..huhu..btw,kali ni ttbe dtg rindu kat old memory kat seseri,my BELOVED school..muahahhaha..ttbe beloved la kan..padahal aku rindu kat certain2 memory kat sane je..not all..huhu..smlm,mase ilek2 pas da pnt baca buku,aku pon buka la youtube..tatau nape tgn ni g tekan seseri..pas 2 kua la bnyk2 video..tgk2 ternmpak video choir seseri 2007..whoaaaaaaaaa...aku involve tuh!hahahah pas 2 aku pon dgr n tgk la shial nak latihan choir 2 balik...ingt ag masa 2 aku form 4..pergh..penat siot masa 2..da la burn masa prep aku..wah3...even xmng pon tp bermaruah gak r..ktorg kalah tipis je..sbb die juz plih bape skolah jek utk g national level tp ktorg xde rezeki..ktorg dpt num yg after dr die nak 2..num bape,aku pon da lupe..hahahah so xdela ase down sgt..btw,mmg rindu nak choir ag la..hahahahha pas pd 2 form 5 aku involve ag choir tp form 5 2 mcm ape jek..xbest lgsg..tgkla sampai tade org nak upload..nmpak sgt x best..hahahaha and sincerely,aku rindu kwn2 lame aku kat idup ngan korg kat sane weh..even nga tensyen,korg ade n ley hepikan hidup kte kat sane..huaaaaaaaa I MISS U ALL!!  ok la..enjoy berblogging k u ollzz!

p/s : kalau xsedap,jgn complaint,ktorg  bkn cam CBN..hahaha

Sunday, April 17, 2011

an awesome day~~

hello world!!today bes gler kot sbb a week b4 final,aku hang out with my classmates!eventhough  ade 3 of us are not around..huhu..tapela..some other time,kte hang out again ok!:)) btw best la dpt kua relaxkan pale otak pas da penat lelah seminggu kena tanggung beban kan...dpt hang out ngan dak2 klas yg sporting gak la...g berkelah kat ulu bendul jek..2 je pon yg dekat...exciting sbb wat bbq n mandi same2..wahahahhaha...statement xley blah..hahahah ala bkn wat pape pon..tade touching pon between us...mandi suke suki jek..hee bnyk gelak gak..huhu abesla,pasni kena cover balik..da bnyk sgt kua ilmu ni..hahah lagha2...huhu...n 1 more thing,,thanx 2 wan sbb jd driver ktorg today!hahaha mmg best la ko drift weh..terbaek wok!smpai jatuh2 zue n yana...hhhahahahah...n thanx sbb bwa ktowg pusing2 admin berpuluh kali..kah3~~giler betol arini...best2..amazing n exciting!hehhehe lastly,,,thanx AT220...nnt kte kua same2 ag..g tmpt len plak!:)))

Friday, April 15, 2011

is it a dinner??hahaha~~

wow!it has been so long aku x update blog ni..juz typical blog yg nak express my own feeling 
without hope on others to read it..:)
i juz had a dinner with my block or else its my kolej kediaman...
but for me,sgt simple la dinner ni...juz cam jamuan ringan je actuaaly...
mcm kat skola2 dulu..hahahha
y did i say like that is bcoz ktorg juz mkn simple je mknn die n then juz tgk slide show about our college 
n then we all get some gift la as a token la for me..
its ok la..thanx to kolej seri menanti 4..:)
at first,mmg agak xsatisfied with the flow of the ceremony la bcoz agak messy 
sbb meja n kerusi x ckup la n watsoever..
but then ok la i understand that they also didn't have much time
to set up n prepared all this...thanx 2 them once again..
actually it is good for me n my frenz as this week ktorg da under pressure bnyk sgt...
huhu...even arini which is pg td mase presentation pon,we all dpt bala ag..
huhu..siriesly we all under stress..almaklumlah perempuan...terlalu pk sgt something 2
smpai sakitkan pale otak..huhuhu
watever it is,we all learn from our mistakes n hope it won;t happen again..huhu
ok la..lets see some pix that i sempat snap for the dinner..:)))
until we meet again,,,daaa~~