Friday, April 15, 2011

is it a dinner??hahaha~~

wow!it has been so long aku x update blog ni..juz typical blog yg nak express my own feeling 
without hope on others to read it..:)
i juz had a dinner with my block or else its my kolej kediaman...
but for me,sgt simple la dinner ni...juz cam jamuan ringan je actuaaly...
mcm kat skola2 dulu..hahahha
y did i say like that is bcoz ktorg juz mkn simple je mknn die n then juz tgk slide show about our college 
n then we all get some gift la as a token la for me..
its ok la..thanx to kolej seri menanti 4..:)
at first,mmg agak xsatisfied with the flow of the ceremony la bcoz agak messy 
sbb meja n kerusi x ckup la n watsoever..
but then ok la i understand that they also didn't have much time
to set up n prepared all this...thanx 2 them once again..
actually it is good for me n my frenz as this week ktorg da under pressure bnyk sgt...
huhu...even arini which is pg td mase presentation pon,we all dpt bala ag..
huhu..siriesly we all under stress..almaklumlah perempuan...terlalu pk sgt something 2
smpai sakitkan pale otak..huhuhu
watever it is,we all learn from our mistakes n hope it won;t happen again..huhu
ok la..lets see some pix that i sempat snap for the dinner..:)))
until we meet again,,,daaa~~


  1. mne makanan nyer...huhu..chicken chop ad???hahaha

  2. hahha..thats y aku tulis entry post ni "is it a dinner"..sbb mknn nye yg aku boley dpt mls r nak tunjuk kan..hahah best ag jamuan klas kte kat matrix lu!
